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Cctv Survey

There are more reasons than one to have a drain survey carried out.

*Property pre purchase survey.
If your planning on purchasing a new home or business premises it is important that you know the condition of the underground services pre purchase, the last thing you want is to carry out a costly renovation to your new home to discover down the line that the drain is damaged and unserviceable.
By knowing the drain systems condition before you purchase your dream home allows you the advantage of bringing any drain damage information to the seller’s attention. Better it cost them to repair than you.
At All Drain Services we provide the latest in CCTV electronic reporting software, fully compliant with the WRC to suit all professional parties you might have involved in your project, weather it be a building surveyor, architect , engineer or estate agent.

*Reoccurring drain blockages.
If your drain is blocking reguarly we can carry out a cctv drain survey to identify what is causing the issue. Once you know what the issue is we can fix it.

*If you have a new drain or drainage system installed at your property a cctv drain survey can be carried out so you can access the quality of your new drainage system. Better to know on installation so you can bring it to the installers attention if there is an issue.

*Cctv Rodent Survey.
90% of rodent related issues are drain related. with a CCtv rodent investigation we can identify how exactly a rodent can access your property through your drainage system and provide you with options
Of remedial works in order to rectify the issue.

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